Snapchat’s Shoppable Ads Drive Major Efficiencies for the Wish App

Lower CPI for Story Ads from Catalog vs Non Catalog

Lower CPI for Snap Ads from Catalog vs Non Catalog

Lower CPI Optimizing Story Ads Towards App Install

Connecting and Showcasing a Product Catalog through Snapchat Ads

Wish is an e-commerce app with massive success thanks to its user experience and its amazing deals. Wish removes the overhead and markups of other stores, allowing customers around the world to shop for items directly from factories. Snapchat recently introduced the ability for marketers to connect their product catalog, and easily create different ads from it, like Snap Ads or Story Ads. Wish successfully leveraged this feature to showcase a variety of goods, achieving great results at scale.

Increasing App Installs by Featuring Products in Snapchat Ads

Wish is focused on driving installs of their app at efficient CPIs and positive returns on ad spend. Wish connected their own product catalogs to Snapchat to easily create Story Ads and Snap Ads. A major benefit of Snapchat’s catalog feature is the ease of testing and refreshing multiple creatives constantly. Wish followed Snapchat’s creative best practices of featuring the product and price upfront, which instantly enticed Snapchatters into installing the Wish app.

Wish also leveraged Snapchat’s goal-based-bidding (GBB), an optimization tool that optimizes towards the most efficient cost per install. This strategy allowed Snapchat’s system to find a quality audience who would have a high intent to take action. Optimizing toward installs significantly brought down costs and allowed Wish to efficiently scale their spend. This optimization strategy resulted in a 76% decrease in their Story Ad CPIs!

57% Lower CPI and 25% Daily-spend Increase with Snapchat

Ultimately, Snap’s introduction of product catalogs allowed Wish to significantly scale up their ad creation with less input. Wish also saw major efficiencies once they optimized their Story Ads toward installs. In the end, through the use of Snapchat’s tools, Wish was able to significantly improve their cost per new acquired user. Ads created from Wish’s catalogs drove a 57% lower CPI compared to non-catalog ads. Through testing GBB for installs across their Story Ads, and testing new product catalog ads, Wish has increased their daily spend with Snapchat by 25%.

"When Snapchat introduced Product Catalogs as a way to easily build ads, we were able to significantly scale up our ad creation with less work. Because we can more seamlessly build ads through product catalogs, this allows us to test, learn and optimize. As it turns out, Ads created from our catalogs are driving a 57% lower cost-per-install (CPI) compared to ads we built manually."

Krishanth Kathiresan, Head of Paid User Acquisition, Wish