Entertainment on Snapchat

With over 750 monthly active users, Snapchat is where real friends create an environment where brands can have real influence. Here, real friends share in a real way what they watch, what they play, and what they love. Which means that on Snapchat, your content will turn on, and live on, to get the blockbuster performance it deserves.

Where Fans are Super Fans

Entertainment is one of the most talked about categories on Snapchat.¹ It's where viewers become fans and fans become evangelists as they explore the world of their favorite movies, shows and characters with their friends and family. Snapchatters are 1.5x more likely than non-Snapchatters to watch an upcoming movie in the theaters,² and are 1.4x more likely to subscribe to 3+ streaming services.³ What’s more, nearly 7 in 10 Snapchatters have zero plans to cancel their current streaming subscription services.⁴

Real Influence, Real Results

Whether you're looking to grow your subscribers, drive ticket sales, or boost tune-in for your newest show, Snapchat has solutions that drive results. From captivating, immersive video to AR experiences, Snapchat amplifies your storytelling and puts Snapchatters front and center in the experience. 

Full-screen vertical video ads capture the imagination and make an immediate impact. Video ads on Snapchat attract 2x the attentive seconds than the benchmark across all other social platforms. In fact, the attention is slightly ahead of TV!⁵ When our Entertainment partners add Commercials to their mix, they see lifts across the funnel, including lifts in Ad Awareness (+57%), Brand Awareness (+90%), and Action Intent (+110%).

Immersive AR experiences take your stories to the next level. Whether you’re turning fans into their favorite hero, or letting them explore a new cinematic universe, AR storytelling brings your content to life and makes Snapchatters even more likely to talk about it with their friends and family. In fact, 72% of daily Snapchatters will recommend movies with AR-enabled content to their friends and family!⁶

The Show Starts on Snapchat


more than celebrities or influencers, Snapchatters’ close friends are more influential on their purchasing decisions.⁷

+ 41%

higher average lift in Action Intent in multiproduct campaigns for Entertainment partners compared to single-product campaigns.⁸

+ 35%

greater lift in Action Intent when adding an AR Lens to an Entertainment campaign.⁹


Will recommend movies with AR-enabled content to friends and family.¹⁰

1 Snap Inc. internal data as of November 2022
2 GWI, Question: Thinking about upcoming films you’re excited to watch, where are you most likely to buy/watch them? Base: Daily Snapchatters, USA. Waves: Q4 2021. Export Date: April 12, 2023. Gen Pop - anyone who uses the internet via any device and from any location.
3 GWI, Question: How many streaming services (i.e. Netflix, Amazon Prime) do you currently use, if any? Base: Daily Snapchatters, USA. Waves: Q2 2022. Export Date: April 12, 2023. Gen Pop - anyone who uses the internet via any device and from any location.
4 GWI, Question: Are you considering canceling your TV streaming service subscription(s), if any? Base: Daily Snapchatters, USA. Waves: Q1 2022. Export Date: April 12, 2023. Gen Pop - anyone who uses the internet via any device and from any location.
5 2022 Amplified Intelligence study commissioned by Snap Inc and OMD
6 2022 Breakthrough Research Study Commissioned by Snap Inc.
7 Snap Inc. survey of US Snapchat users June 16–19, 2020. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See https://businesshelp.snapchat.com/en-US/a/audience-size-tool for details. Question: “Which of these types of people are most influential on you choosing products to buy or trying something new?”; 787 respondents.
8 Snap Internal Data January 1, 2022 - Mar 8, 2023 N=502
9 Snap Internal Data January 1, 2022 - Mar 8, 2023 N=502
10 2022 Breakthrough Research study, commissioned by Snap Inc.