June 06, 2024
June 06, 2024

Augmenting Video with AR: AR's Impact on Attention

Snapchat has partnered with Omnicom Media Group and Amplified Intelligence to help uncover the value of attention across various types of inventory on its platform, now inclusive of AR. Read all about our attention journey here!

The Attention Journey of Omnicom Media Group, Amplified Intelligence, and Snap

As the media industry continues to come together around the value of attention in advertising and better understand how various inventory can capture it, Snap has journeyed with Omnicom Media Group and Amplified Intelligence over the past few years to learn about Snap’s inventory together.

The first phase of the research revealed the inner workings of Snap’s video inventory, which uncovered how consumers paid 2X* more active attention to video ads on Snap compared to similar inventory on other platforms.

The second phase of the research aimed to understand how new ad formats like Augmented Reality (AR) captures attention. To do so, Amplified Intelligence created a  purpose-built camera environment using Snap’s Camera Kit SDK, which replicated a live, organic camera experience and provided a realistic environment for research and measurement. Over 2,100 respondents navigated this camera environment and were exposed to test brands amongst other organic Lenses, generating over 32,000 individual ad views. AR experiences represented 27 OMG brands across a variety of industries (Consumer Goods, Quick Serve Restaurants, Beauty, Retail, Apparel, Telco, Travel,  Auto) and markets (US/UK/FR/KSA/CA/AU).

The study’s main focus was on understanding how AR captured 'active attention'—measured as the percentage of ad length during which viewers' eyes remained on the screen, as tracked by Amplified Intelligence’s eye-tracking technology – and lifted brand choice and loyalty, measured as Short-Term Advertising Strength² and Mental Availability³, which are both metrics correlated to purchase outcomes.

Maximizing Attention with Augmented Reality

This latest research, combined with findings from the video research, uncovered how marketers can best leverage AR alongside video to enhance their campaigns for success.

  1. With AR in the mix, Snapchat drives 5x more active attention compared to industry peers⁶

  2. AR is essential to maximize brand outcomes

  3. All types of Lenses drove high active attention and lifts in both short-term brand choice and long-term brand loyalty⁶, with shareable AR experiences supercharging impact⁵

AR in the Mix Drives Outsized Attention for Snapchat

With insights that span across Snapchat’s video and AR formats, Amplified Intelligence found that Snapchat drives 5x higher % active attention compared to social mobile in-feed platforms. This is because the unique, immersive, and engaging nature of AR was able to capture over 12 seconds of active attention⁶!

AR captures more attention.

The Essential Nature of AR for Brand Outcomes

AR's ability to engage users is not just about capturing eyes on screen; it translates into substantial lifts in both short-term brand choice and long-term brand loyalty metrics, demonstrating its essential role in enhancing brand outcomes.

AR Lenses drives uplift in Brand Choice and Brand Loyalty

Moreover, AR complements existing video ad buys, contributing incremental gains in brand lift throughout the advertising funnel, highlighting its value in a comprehensive ad strategy, especially as Snapchat's design, which balances content consumption and creation, enhances the synergy across its tabs and supports the effectiveness of AR in driving these metrics.

AR complements existing video buys, driving incremental gains in brand lift throughout the funnel

AR's Broad Impact Across Lens Types

When breaking down performance by lens type, all drove high active attention and contributed positively to both short-term and long-term brand lift, confirming the versatile impact of AR across different marketing objectives⁶. For example, Face Lenses performed best for both short/long-term lift because it puts the consumer at the center of action and creates shareable moments, while shoppable Lenses performed well for short-term lift because it also puts consumers at the center of the shopping action.

Additional insights suggest that shareable AR content amplifies the impact of active attention. Not only is impact enhanced as users share the content, thereby extending its reach and magnifying its effectiveness, the actual desire for Snapchatters to connect with their friends and family may be translating to its added impact on brand performance⁵˒⁷.

Implications for Marketers

With a scarcity of attention across consumers, marketers need to understand where they can take their investments and ensure that they can capture the attention needed from their target audience for their creatives to work. To that end, they must know that AR not only offers a more dynamic and attentive user experience but also significantly improves advertising effectiveness alongside traditional video buys. Brands should consider investing in creative AR ad formats that foster immersive and shareable experiences to maximize its impact.

As AR continues to evolve, its role in creating compelling, engaging, and interactive advertising narratives that resonate deeply with consumers will only grow. For brands and advertisers aiming to stay at the forefront, investing in AR is not just an option but a necessity for achieving sustained growth and robust brand loyalty.

1 2022 Amplified Intelligence Video Study commissioned by Snap Inc and OMG.
2 Jones, J. P. (1995). When ads work: New proof that advertising triggers sales. Lexington Books.
3 Mental Availability Correlates with Strong Business Results." WARC, https://www.warc.com/content/feed/mental-availability-correlates-with-strong-business-results/3284.
4 Snap Inc. internal data, Jan 1 - Dec 8, 2023. n multi-cell studies for Ad Awareness = 19, n for Brand Awareness = 11, n for Action Intent = 14.
5 Snap Inc. internal data, July 1 - August 31, 2023. # of First Lens studies with Ad Awareness question = 32, n of Ad Awareness respondents = 5505; # of studies with Action intent question = 21, n of Action Intent respondents = 2525.
6 2023 Amplified Intelligence AR Attention Study commissioned by Snap Inc. and OMG.
7 Naa Amponsah Dodoo, Seounmi Youn, “Snapping and chatting away: Consumer motivations for and outcomes of interacting with Snapchat AR ad lens”, Telematics and Informatics, Volume 57, 2021, 101514, ISSN 0736-5853, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2020.101514.
1 2022 Amplified Intelligence Video Study commissioned by Snap Inc and OMG.
2 Jones, J. P. (1995). When ads work: New proof that advertising triggers sales. Lexington Books.
3 Mental Availability Correlates with Strong Business Results." WARC, https://www.warc.com/content/feed/mental-availability-correlates-with-strong-business-results/3284.
4 Snap Inc. internal data, Jan 1 - Dec 8, 2023. n multi-cell studies for Ad Awareness = 19, n for Brand Awareness = 11, n for Action Intent = 14.
5 Snap Inc. internal data, July 1 - August 31, 2023. # of First Lens studies with Ad Awareness question = 32, n of Ad Awareness respondents = 5505; # of studies with Action intent question = 21, n of Action Intent respondents = 2525.
6 2023 Amplified Intelligence AR Attention Study commissioned by Snap Inc. and OMG.
7 Naa Amponsah Dodoo, Seounmi Youn, “Snapping and chatting away: Consumer motivations for and outcomes of interacting with Snapchat AR ad lens”, Telematics and Informatics, Volume 57, 2021, 101514, ISSN 0736-5853, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2020.101514.