
Meet the Snapchat Generation

They're a global collective of trendsetters leading the way in how culture, commerce, and conversations unfold around the world. Discover what matters most to this unique generation and how you can put your brand front and center.

Hear why brands are interested in capturing the attention of this growing generation


Snapchat generation identity

“We are more open and less restrictive or traditional [than previous generations]. We are less close-minded and more open to different ways of doing things.”

Abdulrahman, Male, 25, Saudi Arabia

United States - 53% feel “being true to who I am” has become even more important to them since before the pandemic  – (Snapchat Generation)
Saudi Arabia - 86% agree “I focus on using apps that feel like positive environments” – (Snapchat Generation)
United Arab Emirates - 56% feel “being true to who I am” has become even more important to them since before the pandemic – (Snapchat Generation)


Snapchat generation communication

”The filters and lenses on Snapchat are my friends and I’s favorite thing to send each other if we want to cheer each other up or just make each other laugh.”

Sophia, Female, 15, Australia

Australia - 93% have used some form of visual communication when messaging friends – (Snapchat Generation)
Italy - More than 3 in 5 Snapchatters use visual communication to get a more personal connection – (Snapchat Generation)
Canada - Nearly 60% of Snapchatters say AR experiences feel more personal – (Snapchat Generation)

Snapchat generation communication


“I usually interact with brands on Snapchat when my friend is talking about a particular brand. If I see a brand recommendation on my friend’s personal story, I’m more likely to buy it.”

Halle, 22, Female, USA

United States - 90% of Snapchatters are interested in using AR to try on makeup or clothes  – (Snapchat Generation)
Brazil - Snapchatters are 1.8x more likely than Non-Snapchatters to have already used AR to try on makeup or clothes  – (Snapchat Generation)
Denmark - 93% of Snapchatters are interested in using AR for shopping, and Snapchat is the #1 platform where users enjoy sharing purchases they love or when shopping – (Snapchat Generation)


Snapchat Generation - Connection

"When I open Snapchat, I know one of my friends’ Snaps is going to make me smile!"

Saphira, 19, Female, Netherlands

Germany - Nearly 1 in 2 of Snapchatters now feel it is more important for brands to build connections with them – (Snapchat Generation)
Netherlands - Nearly 70% of Snapchatters who are digitally interacting with brands more now than before the pandemic – (Snapchat Generation)
Spain - 80% of Snapchatters value taking action for the collective good – (Snapchat Generation)

Snapchat Generation - Connection

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Snapchat Generation

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