Preparing Snapchat Advertisers for iOS 14 Changes

As you may have heard, Apple recently announced new privacy updates within the iOS 14 operating system. Apple’s recent announcement indicates these requirements won’t become mandatory until ‘early spring', but we are here to help you understand and navigate these changes.
Snapchat will take all of these updates into account for our advertising solutions, and our full approach is outlined in the new Snapchat iOS 14 Resource Hub in our Business Help Center.

One of the most significant updates is called AppTrackingTransparency (ATT), in which apps must use Apple's permission system (or ‘modal’) for users to opt-in to tracking across apps and websites owned by other companies.
Snapchat plans to show the tracking modal to users and continue to collect IDFA for Opt-in events on iOS 14. Snapchat will account for these changes with several recommended preparations around campaign management as well as new product capabilities.
Trust is of the utmost importance when building services intended to empower people to express themselves, live in the moment, and communicate with close friends and family. So when it came to building our advertising business, our mission was to extend that trust to Snapchatters and businesses and the way they connect.

As our business has evolved, this core value has allowed us to further champion the latest privacy-centric solutions, which we believe can foster relevant ad experiences for Snapchatters, and valuable outcomes for businesses. For a deeper dive into our Privacy Principles and related information please visit our Privacy Center.
Our goal is to ensure you’re informed and prepared for the upcoming ATT requirements. We’ve developed comprehensive, actionable preparation guides to help you along the way specific to how you advertise on Snapchat.
The iOS 14 App Preparation Guide provides information and recommendations for advertisers running Snaphat campaigns with app install or deep link attachments.
The iOS 14 Web Preparation Guide provides information and recommendations for advertisers running Snaphat campaigns with website attachments.
We also recently held a webinar on How to Prepare for Apple iOS 14 Changes: Web & App Advertising on Snapchat. You can view an on-demand recording of the session in the resource center here.
We expect this will be a dynamic environment over the next several months. We will remain in close communication with key stakeholders, including Apple, Mobile Measurement Partners, and advertisers like you.
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