Why Auto Brands Should Accelerate Their Presence on Snapchat

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Snapchat emerges as a driving force for auto brands, offering a unique and dynamic platform for brands to connect with their target audience. A recent custom quantitative survey conducted by Kantar among 2,001 18-49 year old consumers in the US unveils compelling insights into the pivotal role Snapchat plays in the auto buying process, urging auto advertisers to seize the opportunities it presents.
Snapchat – The Place to Find Future Auto Buyers
Snapchat isn't just a social platform; it is ‘the’ place to find future auto buyers, with over 54% of Snap users actively considering a vehicle purchase or lease within the next year.. Kantar's survey reveals that Snapchat surpasses competitors in terms of its ability to reach auto intenders. Snapchatters are 1.5x more likely to be actively searching for a car than non-Snapchatters. This unparalleled reach ensures that auto brands can make a lasting impact on their target audience.
Auto Intenders on Snapchat are not only present but engaged. Snapchat Auto Intenders are not just window-shopping; they are ready to spend. A significant proportion of these users are employed with higher incomes compared to their counterparts on other platforms, making Snapchat a fertile ground for premium and luxury auto brands.
With a strong interest across various vehicle types, including SUVs, sedans, and luxury vehicles, there's a notable preference for alternative fuel types, such as EVs, PHEVs, and HEVs among Snapchatters.
Snapchat Plays Pivotal Role in the Auto Journey

Snapchat has a significant influence on every stage of the auto buying process. At least 63% of Auto Intenders are likely to discover, research, consider, or even make a purchase after exposure to brand content on Snapchat. When it comes to taking action, Snapchat is a catalyst. A whopping 92% of Snap Auto Intenders are likely to take action after viewing auto content on Snapchat through any method, emphasizing the platform's power to drive real-world decisions.
Integral Role of Friends and Family in Auto Journeys

People come to Snapchat to chat with their close friends and family, forming the very fabric of the platform's user experience. Snapchatters are highly influenced by their social circles. Kantar’s research confirmed Friends and family play a pivotal role throughout the car buying/leasing process, with 92% of weekly Snapchatters actively engaging in communication compared to 74% of non-weekly Snapchatters.
AR on Snapchat: Transforming the Auto Experience
Augmented Reality (AR) on Snapchat is a game-changer for auto brands. The study revealed that Snap Auto Intenders are not only more likely to have used AR in the past but also express a willingness to utilize AR throughout their future car buying journey.

AR is not only helpful but transformative. This innovative ad format motivates physical dealership visits, with 53% of all Snapchat users and 64% of Snap Auto Intenders more likely to visit a physical dealership following engagement with AR content on the platform.
Bringing It All Together
Snapchat is the place to find, engage, and influence auto intenders. Its unique features, coupled with a socially connected user base, make it an indispensable platform for auto brands aiming to forge lasting connections and drive real results in the competitive automotive landscape.
So, are you ready to use Snapchat to elevate your consumers’ experience with your brands? Check out some thought starters.
Snapchat can help your business grow.