Snapchat drives 44% of App Installs for Rocker 


of app installs for Rocker were driven by Snapchat


lower cost per install on Snapchat vs. other social media platforms


higher app install rate on Snapchat vs. other social media platforms

The Story

Rocker is a leading Swedish challenger bank which helps users manage their money, apply for loans and make quick payments all through its mobile app. Rocker came to Snapchat as they were looking for ways to engage with a new audience who would not only install the app, but would convert into card users too. Rocker leveraged Snapchat’s unique and fast-acting audience to drive new acquisitions at scale in a cost effective manner. 

The Solution

Rocker launched their first campaign on Snapchat with Snap Ads and Story Ads optimizing towards App Install. They used demographic targeting to reach 18-50 year olds in Sweden who were eligible for a card and also enabled auto-bidding, which allowed Snapchat to bid on their behalf to optimize towards the most efficient cost per goal. Within a few days of launching their first campaign, they found that the conversion rate for app installs had more than doubled, with Snapchat contributing to 44% of their total downloads!1

Rocker tested a range of creative formats with a clear call to action to convey the key features of their product and also leveraged Snap’s Lifestyle Categories to further optimize their campaign. With this targeting in place, Rocker found that they could easily engage with Snapchatters who, for example, love to travel with specific messaging and entice them into installing the app. The ability to share a simple story with Snap’s unique and fast acting audience ultimately led Rocker to achieve a high percentage of acquisitions on Snapchat at a lower cost per install compared with other social media platforms.

The Result

Snapchat proved to be a top performing partner for Rocker, driving 44% of their installs and helping them reach No. 1 in the Swedish Apple App Store in February 20201. By leveraging Snap Lifestyle Categories to optimize their campaign, they were able to reach a 75% lower cost per install on Snapchat compared to other social media platforms1.

“People in traditional finance companies tend to be afraid of using social media to reach young adults when they can easily reach an untapped audience on Snapchat.”

- Carl-Adam Markborn, Head of CRM, Rocker

ابدأ قصة نجاحك اليوم!

أنشئ إعلانك الأول في أقل من خمس دقائق عبر صورة وبضع نقرات فحسب. اُبلغْ جمهور نشط يعيش على Snapchat فقط، وزِد النتائج لبناء وتوسيع نطاق نشاطك التجاري.

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1 Rocker internal data, Q1 2020