Small Business Spotlight
Small Business Spotlight

Hollywood Hair Bar

Hollywood Hair Bar sells a full line of all-natural hair growth products. Leveraging user generated video testimonials as part of their ad strategy on Snapchat, Hollywood Hair Bar, managed by the Snow Agency, was able to connect with their target audience to boost brand awareness and drive online sales.

“There is no other platform where you can reach a targeted market so quickly and efficiently. Our consumer market lives on Snapchat… It's turned my business into a phenomenon!"

- Tiffany Rose, CEO & Founder, Hollywood Hair Bar

ابدأ قصة نجاحك اليوم!

أنشئ إعلانك الأول في أقل من خمس دقائق عبر صورة وبضع نقرات فحسب. اُبلغْ جمهور نشط يعيش على Snapchat فقط، وزِد النتائج لبناء وتوسيع نطاق نشاطك التجاري.

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