Immerse in Every Moment with Snapchat this Festive Shopping Season

  • To multiply performance

  • To be the app that everybody downloads

  • To be in every shopper's cart

Today’s Influential Digital Decision Makers

Snapchatters are leading the way in how their generation researches, shops and shares the brands and products they love.

Snapchat is the

#1 platform

for sharing purchases and shopping experiences. 1

Every Moment is a Conversion Opportunity


Snapchatters prepare of all occasions of discovering, researching and sending gift ideas for family and friends.


Snapchatters use Snapchat to make purchases and share the gifts they’re giving and receiving throughout the season.


Snapchatters celebrate all season long, sharing the joy of  festive moments with friends and family on Snapchat. 

Turn Every Piece of Content Into Commerce

Snapchat ads drive
5x more
attentive seconds than competitors
[TV and streaming].2

Gen Z is more likely to buy an item
that they’ve experienced first using
AR than millennials and Gen X.3

AR on Snapchat is
1.7x more
immersive than AR experiences on
Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok.4

Multiply Performance All Season Long

Maximize your potential for the highest returns with a multi-format approach from September through January.


of Snapchatters are interested

in using AR for shopping.5

Ads on Snapchat are

1.5x more

engaging than other platforms

and drive 34% greater

purchase intent.6

Interacting with products via

AR leads to

94% higher

conversion rate.7

1 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Daily Snapchatters = 8100 Daily TikTok = 6482 Daily Instagram = 7516 Daily Facebook = 7244 Daily Messenger = 6323 Daily Whatsapp = 6822 Daily Twitter = 5113 | Q: Which of the following moments do you enjoy sharing or celebrating on each app? (NET: When I’ve bought something I love, When I’m shopping)
2 Source: Snap analysis of data from Dentsu Attention Economy study conducted by Lumen, 2020
3 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Gen Z (n=4,778), Millennials and Gen X (n=11,222)Q: E2. Now, thinking about the way you shop, which of the following do you do more of now compared to before the pandemic?
4 Alter Agents researched commissioned by Snapchat, Inc., 2021.
5 Crowd DNA x Snap, Generation Snapchat - Global Report, 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Snapchatters N = 8,100 | Q: What are the reasons why you’d want to use AR for shopping? (NET of all codes except “I wouldn’t be interested in using AR for shopping”)
6 Alter Agents research commissioned by Snap, Inc. 2021
7 Harvard Business Review & Shopify, “How AR Is Redefining Retail in the Pandemic,” October 7, 2020.