Win this Festive Season with Snapchat

The festive season in India is a time for Snapchatters to connect with loved ones, celebrate traditions, and shop for the perfect gifts. Throughout the entire festive season, brands have the opportunity to reach Snapchatters and engage with them in a way that is impactful, memorable and unique -- beyond just the big moments.

Download our infographic to understand Snapchatter shopping trends and in-app content consumption!

What are Snapchatters planning this festive season?


What does the purchasing behavior look like for Snapchatters?

  • Snapchatters feel shopping is integral to the festive season, and they have purchasing power - 1 in 3 Snapchatters feeling more ready to celebrate and/or shop compared to last year's festive season1

  • 50% of Snapchatters plan to spend between Rs. 1000-15000 this festive season1

  • 62% of Snapchatters plan to purchase clothes, shoes, and accessories during the festive season1

  • According to eMarketer, all of the purchasing will happen on Mobile. And 80.8% of all e-commerce sales this year will come from mobile2


How do Snapchatters influence purchasing among friends?

  • 86% of Snapchatters like to share aspects of the festive season on Snapchat1

  • 55% of Snapchatters like to share themselves and friends using festive Lenses/Filters1

  • 49% of Snapchatters like to share celebrating at an event or party1

  • 43% of Snapchatters are interested in using the Snap Map to see others' celebrations during the festive season1


Snapchatters are creating new Festive traditions with AR

  • 7 in 10 Snapchatters like to use the camera to capture special moments during the festive season1

  • During Diwali last year, Snapchatters engaged with AR Lenses over 70 Million times3

  • There was a 3x increase in Snapchatters' engagement on AR Lenses during Diwali Season 2020 vs 20194

  • Total daily time spent by Snapchatters in India watching Shows and publisher content increased by 150% year-over-year5

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What does the Celebration Cycle at Snapchat look like?

On Snapchat, full-screen mobile ads that feel native to the platform are effective at driving engagement and purchases because of the Snapchat Celebration Cycle.

The Snapchat community's path to purchase is anything but linear. Sharing is part of every step in the purchase journey, from awareness, purchase, and best of all, celebration. And this cycle inspires others' shopping journeys too, creating a network of close friends and family influenced by one another. Snapchat is here to help your brand shine when it matters most.

Finding Success on Snapchat


OnePlus created Lenses for Diwali as a means to bring people together safely during a pandemic.
The campaign drove:
  • 80 Million impressions through their Lenses6
  • +9pts uplift in Ad Awareness7
  • +7pts uplift in Message Awareness7
  • And reached 14 Million Snapchatters in India6

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"The OnePlus Snapchat Balcony Diwali campaign served as a remarkable channel for us to drive positive momentum towards our recently launched OnePlus 8T product, garnering incredible response from our community and the larger audience. "

- Siddhant Narayan, Head of Marketing, OnePlus India

1 Snap Inc. survey of IN Snapchat users June 27 - 29, 2021. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details.
2 eMarketer, “Retail MCommerce Sales in India”, May 2021
3 Snap Inc. internal data 8th October 2020 to 23rd November 2020
4 Snap Inc. internal data 8th October 2020 to 23rd November 2020 vs 21st September 2019 to 6th November 2019
5 Snap Inc. internal data Q2 2021 vs Q2 2020
6 Snap Inc. Q4 2020 Earnings results
7 Snap Inc. data from Snap Ads Manager from November 1 - November 15, 2020